Saturday 9 January 2016


Since precast is manufactured in a controlled casting environment it is easier to control the mix, placement, and curing.
Quality can be controlled and monitored much more easily.
Since a precaster can buy materials for multiple projects, quantity discounts can lower costs.
Weather is eliminated as a factor-you can cast in any weather and get the same results, which allows you to perfect mixes and methods
Less labor is required and that labor can be less skilled
On site, precast can be installed immediately, there is no waiting for it to gain strength and the modularity of precast products makes installation go quickly
Repeatability-it's easy to make many copies of the same precast product; by maximizing repetition, you can get plenty of value from a mold and a set-up
Accelerated curing, by heating the precast parts, greatly increases strength gain, reducing the time between casting the part and putting it into service
With the ability to so tightly control the process, from materials to consolidation to curing, you can get extremely

durable concrete

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